Monday, November 10, 2008

With all my pride, I post a video

Many of you know that my daughter, Katy, was diagnosed late with PKU. She was 13 months old when I put her on the diet. By the time she had her diagnosis, Katy was suffering from serious symptoms. She had four to six seizures per day. Each episode lasted between ten and fifteen minutes. Her muscle tone was extremely weak. She had no sense of balance. She lost all her milestones, and we felt like we were losing her. We spoke with the doctors about feeding tubes, walking aides, wheel chairs and even coma inducing medications.

That's when I decided that I was not going to sit back and let this over take my daughter. I have wholeheartedly devoted myself to her recovery, rejecting any notion of brain damage. I refuse to go down without a fight. And I refuse to fight and not win. 24/7 I am her nutricionist, therapist, cheerleader and mom. From this blog, you will see awesome things take place...even if they delay a bit.

For now, I leave you with a video of her healing progress. Katy has just turned three years old.

I truly believe in the healing power of laughter. We all deserve a chuckle. After all, we're all "normal"

Toodles, PKU community. I love you all. Thanks for the friendship.